1. My most darling friends
My friends Bruce, Kallie, Nathan and I each finished one of those ginormous burgers all so that we could have our picture taken, and posted on the wall so that we could live forever as a decoration in a burger joint.
2. The hot springs. I love water, I love being warm, I love doing both at the same time while in the company of people I love.
3. The invention of the cellular phone. I love mine. I love that it lets me talk to my mommy a million times through out any given day.
4. Frozen yogurt. Specifically the new Twizl Berry in Rexburg. This place makes my taste buds happy. I ate there twice this week alone. I see a very unhealthy trend in my future.
5. Having my own room. A blessing that this semester would have been impossible to endure without.
6. 9 cent music downloads, so I can have music without feeling like a pirate.
7. That I've started to remember my dreams again. Some of my more recent ones have included stair acrobatics, guitar sessions, trips to Tonga, Sunshine concerts (speaking of which, if you have time you should check this girl out, I love her and her song makes me happy: The Tale of a Whale). Oh I love my dreams.
8. Devotional. I love that, unlike at home, I get to have a spiritual, uplifting meeting TWICE a week. Sunday's and Tuesday's, you make my week complete.
9. The temple. I hadn't been yet this semester but I was able to attend with members from my ward on Friday morning. I forgot how much more at peace I feel when I'm there. I forgot how aware I am of my Heavenly Father and his love for me. I really love the temple. I wish I was one of those people who was really good at feeling the spirit strongly all the time, but since I'm not I'm glad I can go to the temple where everything seems more right.
10. Brother Adamson, one of my professors. He always showers me with compliments and makes me feel really good about myself as a student and gives me lots of good plans for my future. If I ever amount to anything it will be because of him.
11. Youtube. Thank you for letting me waste a lot of time enjoying all the silliness that you contain.
12. Conversations with good friends that last until 3 am and can range from spiritual to silly to emotional to contemplative to simply getting to know each other better. I like to talk. I like to connect with people. It had been a while since I'd stayed up that late talking, it felt nice.
13. That I have a really low maintenance job. I love that I can do something and get paid for it, but that it doesn't absorb a huge part of my life. My job may feel meaningless, and I may complain sometimes, but I really do love it.
14. Spiral binding. This is just one of those simple things that I love. I went and got my new relief society book spiral bound and I am so excited to go to class today and not be constrained by a book that refuses to stay open on the page I need it to. It's the little things.
Cheers to a week gone by, cheers to a week ahead.
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