Truth, I flirt with old men for a living.
Truth, I would rather talk about globalization than sports.
Truth, I hate listening to ignorant conversation.
Truth, I read Audrey Hepburn quote books and agree with every line.
Truth, I love lists.
Truth, I think anthropologie is my personality in store form.
Truth, I hate not getting my way. Hate.
Truth, I love surprise parties.
Truth, I'm way more latin than I let on.
Truth, even if I had someone to love I'd still think Valentine's day is the worst idea since white bread.
Truth, I enjoy crying. It's cleansing.
Truth, I want a spontaneous, disney-esque parade scene in my life. Just once.
Truth, I seriously can do just about anything I set my mind to.
Truth, I require affection on a daily basis. In fact, since birth I don't think I've gone a single day of my life without at least a hug.
Truth, I think umbilical cords are the most disgusting thing ever.
Truth, I'm a good listener, but if given the chance I will talk your ear off.
Truth, I hate hate hate being alone. Hate.
Truth, I'm afraid of the dark.
Truth, I can't keep my own secrets to save my life, but I will take other people's secrets to the grave.
Truth, somedays I want my life to turn into a sappy boy-meets-girl love story that Molly Ringwald would be proud of and other days I want to be a career hungry, pant-suit wearing professional who never has time for a man.
Truth, writing this list makes me feel pathetic.
Truth, I'm going to post it anyway.
I'm afraid of the dark too! I think that'll be the best part of marriage is not sleeping alone. I'll have someone for the serial killer to attack first so I can run away! hehe