Monday, April 8, 2013

Mission Log: 8 April 2013

The Garden State is my home. I love it here. Spring is gorgeous and I could not be happier. To sum my week up I met new people from all across the world. I heard stories of faith and miracles. I prayed with strangers and friends. I listened to a living prophet. I felt God’s love. I testified of Christ.

How was your week?

This month our mission is focusing on consecration. Our leaders asked us to think of all the things in our lives that we know we need to change. Little disobediences that keep our lives from being in harmony with the teachings of Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end In essence they asked us to think of all the things that keep us from being happy, because the whole points of Christ’s doctrine are to help us be happy. We wrote down our different things and then we went outside and burned them. It was a little dramatized, but I like drama. I know that I am not perfect, but I know I have power to change. Guess what, you do too! We all have things in our lives that keep us from being as happy as our Savior intends us to be, and through His atonement we are given the power to overcome them. I invite you to think of things that you would like to change so that you can be happier, then take massive action to make those changes a reality. I know that it’s making a difference for me. I can see small miracles in my life each day. I know you will too.

Have a great day, cherish each moment. Love well and live well.


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