Monday, August 26, 2013

Mission Log: 26 August 2013

Ice cream on Sister Stevens birthday! She looks great, I look...we'll I'm there.

birthday flann
  Picture is me with Oscar and Lilia
 This is my friend Emily. She's 16 and comes out to teach with us. I basically become best friends with all the Laurel's wherever I serve and make them come teach with us all the time. Anyway, we were teaching Sister Stevens how to make funny faces.
 Cute girls, am I right?
This was the end result of the funny face instruction
I love a quote by Thomas S. Monson that says, “my brothers and sisters, our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for assistance. I believe that no concern of ours is too small or insignificant. The Lord is in the details of our lives.”
God does hear our prayers. I think most of us say that and believe it, but only passively. At least I know that is how it seems for me sometimes. It is easy to know that God listens, but harder to act in accordance with that knowledge…especially when things don’t seem to be going our way. It’s all too easy to kneel down at the end of a day and drill off a list of requests ending emphatically with the petition that sleep come quickly. I have learned that when we prepare before we pray we can have a better experience. When we think about what we want to say, when we express gratitude to Heavenly Father, and when we sincerely seek His guidance our experiences with prayer can bring peace and direction.  
I am grateful for wakeup calls that remind me to trust the Lord and work to do things His way. His way is always significantly better than mine, and I’m always happier when I do it. Not much to lose. I know that if you will prepare for your prayers and work to make them more meaningful that you will be more aware of God’s answers. You will come to realize that God really is in the details of your life.

1 comment:

  1. I taught oscar and lilia almost 3 years ago when I just started my mission, this was such a cool picture to see.
